Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Thus Sayeth the Sage Duke

Thus Sayeth the Sage Duke:

The Jew that can be spoken is not the eternal Jew
The name that can be named is not the eternal name
The nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth
The named is the mother of myriad things
Thus, constantly without desire, one observes its essence
Constantly with desire, one observes its manifestations
These two emerge together but differ in name
The unity is said to be the mystery
Mystery of mysteries, the door to all wonders -- the Eternal Jew!

The Prophet Speaks:

    The Jew is empty
    When utilized, it is not filled up
    So deep! It seems to be the source of all things
    It blunts the sharpness
    Unravels the knots
    Dims the glare
    Mixes the dusts -- The Jew Eternal
    So indistinct! It seems to exist
    I do not know whose offspring it is
    Its image is Jew!
    Thirty Jews join in one hub
    In its emptiness, there is the function of the Jew
    Mix clay to create a Jew
    In Jews emptiness, there is the function of a Jew
  Cut open Jew to create a Jew
    In the Jews, there is the function of a Jew
    Therefore, that which exists is used to create benefit for the Jew
    That which is empty is used to create functionality for the Jew
    The Eternal Jew -- The Jew.
    Favor and disgrace of the Jew make one fearful
    The greatest misfortune is the Jew
    What does "favor and disgrace of the Jew make one fearful" mean?
    Favor is high; disgrace is low; the Jew everywhere.
    Having it makes one fearful, of the Jew
    Losing it makes one fearful, of the Jew
    This is "favor and disgrace make one fearful" of the Jew!
    What does "the greatest misfortune is the Jew" mean?
    The reason I have great misfortune
    Is that I have the Jew
    If I have no Jew
    What misfortune do I have?
    So one who values the Jew as the world
    Can be given the world with the Jew
    One who loves the Jew as the world
    Can be entrusted with the world of the Jew -- The Eternal Jew!
Yes Who but the Jew could do anything to YOU? Who?

Continue the Great Duke!

    The Jew masters of antiquity
    Subtle wonders through mystery
    Depths that cannot be discerned
    Because one cannot discern the Jew
    Therefore one is forced to describe the appearance of the Jew to You!
    Hesitant, like crossing a wintry river
    Cautious, like fearing four neighbors
    Solemn, like a guest
    Loose, like ice about to melt
    Genuine, like plain wood
    Open, like a valley
    Opaque, like muddy water
    Is he that nameth the Jew!
    Who can be muddled yet desist
    In stillness gradually become clear?
    Who can be serene yet persist
    In motion gradually come alive?
   One who holds this Jew does not wish to be overfilled
    Because one is not overfilled
    Therefore one can preserve and not create anew -- The Jew, the Eternal Jew, Thus sayeth the  great Sage Duke! 

The Wisdom of the Ages:
    The highest rulers, people do not know they have the Jew
    The next level, people love them and praise the Jew
    The next level, people fear the Jew
    The next level, people despise the Jew
    If the rulers' trust is insufficiently in the Jew
    Have no trust in them
    Proceeding calmly, valuing their words
    Task accomplished, matter settled
    The people all say, "We did it naturally" -- The Jew!
    The great Jew fades away
    There is benevolence and justice
    Intelligence comes forth
    There is great deception  -- the Jew, the Jew
    The six relations are not harmonious
    There is filial piety and kind affection
    The country is in confused chaos
    There are Jews -- the Eternal Jews!
    The Jew, eternally nameless
    Its simplicity, although imperceptible
    Cannot be treated by the world as subservient
    If the sovereign can hold on to The Jew
    All will follow the Jew
    Heaven and Earth, together in harmony with the Jew
    Will rain sweet dew for the Jew
    People will not need to force it; it will adjust by itself to the Jew
    In the beginning, there were The Jews
    Jews came to exist everywhere
    One should know when to stop naming the Jew
    Knowing when to stop, thus avoiding danger -- the Jews Eternal!
    The existence of the Jew in the world
    Is like streams in the valley into rivers and the ocean  -- The Jew!
    The great Jew is like a flood
    The Eternal Jew can flow to the left or to the right
    The myriad things depend on the Jew for life, but the Jew never stops
    The Jew achieves its work, the Jew takes credit
    It clothes and feeds myriad things, The Jew rules over them
    The Eternal Jew!
    Ever desiring nothing from the Jew
    It can be named insignificant by the Jew
    Myriad things return to it but it does not rule over the Jew
    It can be named great only the Eternal Jew!
    Even in the end the jew does regard the jew as great
    That is how it can achieve its greatness!
Thus Sayest the Sage Prophet Duke -- The Jew Eternal is the Jew that is Named! The Name is the Jew! The Jew is the Jew!

If you read all this expecting a point or purpose the Joke is ON you. Get outside and have a go at a girl, or be of some use to the neighborhood.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Organic Theory

The Organic Theory of Society: In Five Parts, with PDF and Audio files.


Hello in this series of posts we introduce the very crude formulation of an idea we have chosen to call the Organic Theory of Society – it is basically the idea that a National-State is predicated upon a people, which people forms from a family, and from the family relations ideally come all other relations in society at large, economic, social, and political.
Nationalists, Populists, Traditionalists, and Others rejected by Modernity, Please give it your just consideration.

The intention is to provoke thought about the need for a set of first principles and methodology that centers upon Us as a Nation and not trivial things outside Our Circle of Life. This is an attempt to answer some basic questions: Who makes a nation? What is nation? How to keep and restore a nation? Why Nations matter?

Who? A family makes a nation.

What? A nation is a family of families.

How? By acting like a proper family.

Why? Because we all have a family and we all need others to live a proper life.

Where and When? Here and Now.
With that We present:

The Organic Theory of Society;
 The Natural Progression from First Family to National-State based upon A Unique People, in One Land, with One Way of 
In Five parts – with 90 page PDF full of ~35 pages of visual aids aimed at helping young and old alike with learning the concepts and also with an audio accompaniment linked in each section aimed at helping bring in more senses to the process. (There is also a full length MP3 here.) 

We highly recommend that one download the PDF, and play the audio as one reads the particular section. This will ensure the maximal amount of information in the least amount of time can be absorbed by the reader. We are not trying to be arrogant or high handed here but merely reflecting upon the fact that what limited formal education we received involved the concept of learning to read out loud, and follow the text with our finger. This method has served us well over the decades. So we reason that it could be of use to others, thus the effort in making the 90 page pdf and 5 part MP3 series so that those more serious about learning rather that merely reading can do that -- We highly recommend the PDF as it has many illustrations and diagrams that bring into sharp focus the concepts presented in the text and audio. 
The MP3 linked to each chapter are only 116 minutes of audio and are meant to be best used with the  90 pages of text and visual aids available for download

We advise quarter to half hour cessions over a couple of days at a leisurely pace, with reflection upon, what one has taken in so as to be able to best accept or reject the thesis that Family Units of Father and Mother are the Basic Unit that produces a People, and from this People comes a National-State.

Also this is a work in progress – go gentle on your hard suffering author.  With that: ( all links to chapters are to pages on this blog. We highly advise again reading this in order and with the sound and pdf rather than just plain text. )

Part IV – WHO,What and How to restore Organic Wholeness to Our People 

The go to link at the end of each will bring you forward and the go back to main will take you back here.

Monday, January 12, 2015

The Days of PC are Numbered!

This Blog is meant as a series of 'fall backs' just in case MY Leftist Friends do some censorship on the other, efforts of mine which I am not inclined to just allow the enemies of MY People to throw away at their whim, as it is OUR Whim that matters here!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

United We Remain One Unitary Nation!

We state and believe:

A culture is the Soul and Mind of a Nation; A unique People its living Heart and Blood; A state the Peoples body and defense! We have one culture complete!  One heart which is our people; One body which is our state and all of this together makes one nation-- complete unto itself; unique and lacking in naught – We are United as one nation!

Once THE (not 'a' but THE) Majority People United in defense of their homes, futures and Majority, take to the streets, with chants like this in our hearts and on their minds: the days of PC numbered.?

For More: http://newswithviewstoo.blogspot.com/

Another Picture Blog Point out PC Absurd Nonsense!

The United Picture Blog

Every single assertion made by Political Correctness is a Lie and is in Error. Diversity is a weakness. Tolerance a vice. Multicult a shoddy production, not a shining example for 'humanity'. Equality is a bad joke, that means 'equal to dirt'.

PC took over our institutions with the intent of purpose of destroying the majority people's authority in Our Own Homelands – and creating of them a Minority among many many other minorities, in their own lands – so that those elitist and their leftist and right scallywag carpetbagger Allies (the clowns with D and R after their names those scallywags and carpetbaggers) can have it their own way. Thus it is both inherently opportunists and subversive. Being perfectly willing, to make treason pay big, and to pay big for treason, at turns.

Political correctness has been instituted to: destroy our identity: shame Us into accepting own denigration in our homelands; to divide and destroy the family; to 'remake' The People into consumerist persons; break the People down morally in a thousand subtle ways; and divide us meaninglessly endlessly and uselessly politically.

This all is done to in making us weak and ensuring that the virus of political correctness infects Our body and Our very souls unchecked, as Our Pantries, Closest and Pockets are picked clean!

The keys to stopping political correctness are: speaking out against it and encouraging others to rejecting its communist inspired egalitarian mamma jamba; and, a united majority population; those are the two keys to ensuring PC is routed.

We have to awake from our slumber take notice of the late hour, and rage against going into the Perverse Light of PC!
We must UNITE behind our Majority, Our History, Our Families, Our Homes! We Must cease being a mere trading post country and become a proper united Nation with One People, One Culture, One Way of Life, and One United Majority Voice!

We must and shall become an united majority population that is not afraid to say," we Choose ourselves and reject PC. We reject diversity and becoming a minority in our own lands! We choose to remain, and We shall remain one people in one land under one Law, with one way of life, living by the light of one culture united as one nation! We have chosen and that is the end of the matter! (For Vox Populi vox dei! )

We state and believe:

A culture is the Soul and Mind of a Nation; A unique People its living Heart and Blood; A state the Peoples body and defense! We have one culture complete!  One heart which is our people; One body which is our state and all of this together makes one nation-- complete unto itself; unique and lacking in naught – We are United as one nation!

Once THE (not 'a' but THE) Majority People United in defense of their homes, futures and Majority, take to the streets, with chants like this in our hearts and on their minds: the days of PC numbered.?

For more: http://newswithviewstoo.blogspot.com/